Frequently Asked Questions

We are located at 550 Mickle Boulevard (aka Martin Luther King Boulevard) in Camden, New Jersey, steps away to Cooper University Healthcare.
Families with a pediatric patient, 23 years or younger, who requires specialized healthcare at Cooper University Healthcare, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Wills Eye Hospital, Shriner’s Hospital for Children, or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). All patients must be referred to RMHSNJ by a social worker, nurse, or doctor.
Many families fly into Philadelphia International Airport and rent vehicles or use UBER or Lyft to arrive at the House. If taking public transportation, we are located across from the Walter Rand Transportation Center, a hub for NJ transit buses, PATCO Speedline, and a stop for the NJ Transit Riverline.
Please request a room when you know the date of your appointment and we will do our best to accomodate you.

We try to accommodate all families, but sometimes the demand is high. There are other alternatives for families if RMHSNJ does not have a room available.

  • Host for Hospitals
  • Kolbe Fund
  • Local Hotels (discounted rates available)

Please call two days prior to your anticipated check-in date as house occupancy changes daily.

You will be notified when a room becomes available. If you no longer need a room or made alternative plans, please contact the House Manager so we can remove your name from our wait list.

Yes, RMHSNJ is a gated property with ample parking. A key fob is required for access to the parking lot and will be provided at check-in. Upon arrival, please press the call button to be admitted.
Yes, all bedroom suites have private bathrooms. Towels are provided.
Yes, Wi-Fi is available, free of charge for all RMHSNJ families.
The offices are open daily between 8 am and 8 pm. We ask families to check-in no later than 7:30 pm and checkout by 11:00 am.
There is no cost to stay at RMHSNJ, however familes are welcome to make a donation.
RMHSNJ has bedrooms of varying capacity. We have rooms that accomodate as few as 3 and as many as 6 family members. Please specify the number of people in your party when submitting a request.
Portable cribs may be requested in advance on your request form.
Each room is outfitted with the necessary sheets, blankets, and towels. On-site laundry facilities with washers, dryers, and detergent are available to families free of charge.
Breakfast and dinner is provided 7 days a week. Theresa’s Marketplace is a complimentary pop-in shop for dry goods, such as snacks, mac and cheese, soup and much, much more!
Visitors must sign in at the office and are restricted to the first floor only.
Cooper University Healthcare is within walking distance from the House. RMHSNJ does provide transportation with a limited schedule to and from Wills Eye Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Shriner’s Hospital for Children provides its own accessible shuttle for patients and one family member.